This repository contains replication code for the article Lifting the veil, published in the December 10th, 2022 issue.
We thank ACLED for answering our questions about this data.
Note: the raw data to update and replicate the analysis must be downloaded from ACLED, and placed in the "source-data/acled" folder. In addition, the list of downloaded events (available at the same link) must be placed in the "source-data/acled-deleted" folder.
If referencing this data in an academic paper or article, please cite the ACLED data:
Raleigh, Clionadh, Andrew Linke, Håvard Hegre, and Joakim Karlsen. (2010). “Introducing ACLED-Armed Conflict Location and Event Data.” Journal of Peace Research 47(5) 651- 660.
The Economist and Solstad, S. (corresponding author), 2022. Lifting the veil. Published in The Economist, December 10th issue, 2022.