This is a repository for the code and notes for the frontend fun workshops.
There are Guides about what was covered in each session. There will also be the accompanying code covered in the session, the code for that specific session can be found under Commits where the commit will detail what session it was, so you can jump in and out wherever you want.
Here's a breakdown of what will be covered in each session. We'll be threading accessibility, security and performance information throughout.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript how they work together
Session 1 - HTML Into
- Basic Page Structure
- Elements/Tags
- Attributes
- Building a landing page
Session 2 - HTML Forms
- Inputs
- Forms
- Validation
Session 3 - CSS Intro
- Box Model
- Flex Box
- CSS Grid
Session 4 - CSS
- Cross Browser
- Tools - Bootstrap/Bulma/SASS
- Animation Intro
Session 5 - Javascript Intro
- Variables
- Loops
- Functions
- Execution Order
- Callbacks
Session 6 - Javascript Promises
- Promises
- Try/Catch
- Await/Async
- Structuring your code
Session 7 - Javascript on the web
- Fetch
- Web API's
- Third Party Scripts
Session 8 - Javascript Data Flows/Frameworks
- Data Flows
- Frameworks
Session 9 - Javascript Tooling
- Building
- Linting/Code Formatting
- Testing
Session 10 - Explaining the Jargon
- Types of websites
- Server Side Rendering
- Single Page Apps
- Progressive Web Apps
- Static
- Types of websites
Session 11 - Web Components
- What/Why/How
- Elemental Design
Session 12 - (Bonus) Getting your website as an App
- Trusted Web Activity
- Cordova
- PWABuilder
Any questions on anything or see anything you would like covering get in touch with me JordanFinners or on Twitter.