In short it is an API for an index of web streams (audio and video). Streams can be added and searched by any user of the API.
There is an official deployment of this software that is also freely usable at
- Open source
- Freely licensed
- Well documented API
- Automatic regular online checking of streams
- Highliy configurable
- Easy setup for multiple configurations (native, deb-packages, docker, ansible)
- Implemented in Rust-lang
- Multiple request types: query, json, x-www-form-urlencoded, form-data
- Multiple output types: xml, json, m3u, pls, xspf, ttl, csv
- Optional: multi-server setup with automatic mirroring
- Optional: response caching in internal or external cache (redis, memcached)
You can do a native setup or a docker setup
- This has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04
- Automatic redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
- Automatic generation and update of Let's Encrypt certificates
- Automatic start on reboot
- Automatic fetch of station changes and check information from main server
# checkout this project
git clone
cd radiobrowser-api-rust
git checkout stable
# create database save directory
mkdir -p dbdata
# create ssl certificate cache file
touch acme.json
chmod 0600 acme.json
# install docker (ubuntu)
apt install -qy
docker swarm init
# set email and domain, they are needed for automatic certificate generation and for the reverse proxy that is included in the package
export SOURCE=""
export EMAIL="[email protected]"
# OPTIONAL: enable checking of stations, this does check all stations once every 24 hours
export ENABLE_CHECK="true"
# deploy app stack
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-traefik.yml rb
# checkout this project
cd radiobrowser-api-rust
git checkout stable
git pull
# set email and domain, they are needed for automatic certificate generation and for the reverse proxy that is included in the package
export SOURCE=""
export EMAIL="[email protected]"
# OPTIONAL: enable checking of stations, this does check all stations once every 24 hours
export ENABLE_CHECK="true"
# deploy app stack, old versions will automatically be upgraded
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-traefik.yml rb
- download latest tar.gz package (
- untar
- configure mysql/mariadb on your machine
- create database and database user
- call install script
- change /etc/radiobrowser/config.toml if needed
- start systemd service
# download distribution
mkdir -p radiobrowser
cd radiobrowser
tar -zxf radiobrowser-dist.tar.gz
# config database
sudo apt install default-mysql-server
cat init.sql | mysql
# install
sudo systemctl enable radiobrowser
sudo systemctl start radiobrowser
- download latest deb package (
- install it
- configure mysql/mariadb
- create database and database user
sudo apt install default-mysql-server
sudo dpkg -i radiobrowser-api-rust_0.7.1_amd64.deb
cat /usr/share/radiobrowser/init.sql | mysql
- rust, cargo (
- mariadb or mysql
# install packages (ubuntu 18.04)
curl -sSf | sh
sudo apt install libssl-dev pkg-config gcc
sudo apt install default-mysql-server
# clone repository
git clone ~/radio
# setup database, compile, install
cd ~/radio
cat init.sql | mysql
# test it
xdg-open http://localhost/webservice/xml/countries
# or just open the link with your favourite browser
# start db and api server
docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit
Radiobrowser does not yet support connecting with https to it directly. You have to add a reverse proxy like Apache or Nginx.
# install packages (ubuntu 18.04)
sudo apt install apache2
# enable apache modules
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/radio
Apache config file example
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/radio
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ combined
ProxyPass "/" "http://localhost:8080/"
ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:8080/"
<Directory /var/www/radio/>
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
Follow this guide to get a free certificate
# clone this project
git clone
cd radiobrowser-api-rust
# checkout stable
git checkout stable
# deploy, change email adress, for ssl with certbot
ansible-playbook -e "[email protected]" -e "version=0.7.2" -e "ansible_python_interpreter=auto" -i "," ansible/playbook.yml
cargo install cargo-deb
cargo deb # run this in your Cargo project directory
# 1.Shell: start db
docker run -e MYSQL_DATABASE=radio -e MYSQL_USER=radiouser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true -p 3306:3306 --rm --name dbserver mariadb --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
# 2.Shell: start radiobrowser with local config
cargo run -- -f radiobrowser-dev.toml
# 3.Shell IF NEEDED: check content of database directly
docker exec -it dbserver bash
mysql -D radio -u radiouser -ppassword