The docker image is officially released by aaPanel
Maintained by: aaPanel
docker run -d -p 8886:8888 -p 22:21 -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -p 889:888 -v ~/website_data:/www/wwwroot -v ~/mysql_data:/www/server/data -v ~/vhost:/www/server/panel/vhost aapanel/aapanel:lib
Now you can access aaPanel at http://youripaddress:8886 from your host system.
Default Username: aapanel
Default Password: aapanel123
Control Panel: 8888
PHPMyAdmin: 888
Website Data: /www/wwwroot
MySQL Data: /www/server/data
VHost File: /www/server/panel/vhost
After the deployment is complete, please immediately modify the user name and password in the panel settings and add the installation entry