Github authentication flow made easy
To perform Github operation, you need an authToken. This can be a personal token from your Github account, or an authToken optained by authenticating with an app. This repo provides a server code for simplifying the workflow.
- Register a new Github app
- Take note of the app_id, client_id / client_secret
- Setup this package on a Node.js server
- Pre-fill with the appID, client ID and secret from environment variables.
- Get the callbackUrl and fill it in your Github app.
- Use the loginUrl to request the login.
- You will be taken to the Github authentication, where a login window will popup asking to authorize your app.
- You will be taken to the "callback_url" you chose, with the authToken passed as query parameters.
Use the login URL. It should be something like: "https:///github/login/<app_id>?callback=<your-callback_url>
The server allows registering new apps with client_id / client_secret on the fly. This is mainly for testing purposes, but it can also be useful if you want a Github server responsible for authenticating multiple apps.