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Literature Review

Harshini Nanduri edited this page Nov 1, 2013 · 33 revisions

Preamble: This page will be used for collaboratively organizing our sources for the literature review. I think it's a good idea if we include a brief summary of the paper/website/document/etc., followed by the reference information in IEEE format (no need to number at this point). That way you can see what others have looked at :). Headings are tentative and can be modified.

OGC Standard

In this website, there are detailed explanations for all OGC standards that were ever developed. "OGC Web Services (OWS) are OGC standards created for use in World Wide Web applications."

Reference: OGC Standards and Supporting Documents. (2013, October 16). Retrieved from OGC:

Other References:

Internet of Things

Some references I think would be important to read:

Existing applications

User application

NeWave Sensor Solutions did something very similar to our application and it is called “Smart Shelf” (we need to come up with a new name). This “Smart Shelf” detects an items when it leaves the shelf. Their goal is to get real time in or out of stock shelf information available anytime to any authorized person or group.

Here are the key points to remember for Smart Shelf:

  • Automatic Shelf Monitoring and Instant Merchandise Availability Alerts
  • Easy to Install and Scalable
  • No Item Level Tagging Required
  • Superior Accuracy

Some of their benefits are:

  • reducing labor costs by automating the inventory process
  • increasing customer satisfaction by have up-to-date information
  • providing security for high theft items
  • having an automated tracking of item-level inventory and asset locations, which improves the accuracy of records

Reference: NeWave Smart Shelf. (2013, October 16). Retrieved from NEWAVE Sensor Solutions:

Other previous "Smart Shelves"

Notice that many previous iterations of the "smart shelf" idea use RFID tags. It will be valuable to read through these papers more thoroughly and discuss the differences between our idea (using specific, discrete sensors) and previous ideas in the same field. The fourth entry is the one that uses the Microsoft Kinect. Explaining the difference in cost and scope of our implementation will be key to differentiate our project from previous projects in the field.

Some links that Alex looked at last week :

RFID Arena Smart Shelf

  • Like most of the other links on our wiki, this one relies heavily on RFID
    • Identifies misplaced items, movement of items between shelves
    • Expiry date notification
    • Customer interest (when it is picked up, is it put back, or purchased?)
  • Automatic replenishment alert (like ours)

S. Syrjala, "RFID Arena," 13 9 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 10 2013].

NeWave Smart Shelf (as mentioned above)

  • Seems to be created mostly for security
  • Uses an antenna that detects changes within a certain area
  • Does not tag items
  • Monitors merchandise availability (like ours)
  • Aimed only at suppliers

NeWave Sensor Solutions, "NeWave," 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 10 2013].

I think the key to distinguishing our shelf from existing SmartShelves is to focus on the website, and location/positioning elements. Also our decision to target both consumers and suppliers seems to be unique so far.

User interface


  • Described as "glue" for the Internet of Things.
  • Offers support for a number of protocols and products (seems like they add them on as they come)
  • Software is free
  • Goal/hope is to eventually establish a common platform for manufacturers to use
  • Does not currently target consumer market (i.e. seems like you have to be pretty nerdy to be using it because it requires your own testing/design for whatever devices you want to use - not easy for the average non-programmer)
  • Looking at expanding to cities (ran a small test in a city with people-tracking, sound level-monitoring, social media use, etc.)

Reference: R. Metz. “Free Software Ties the Internet of Things Together.” Internet:, Oct. 9, 2013 [Oct. 13, 2013].

  • Develop open source middleware (software integration platform)
  • Promote open standards for automation
  • Uses off-the-shelf hardware
  • Examples of existing protocols integrated: AMX, KNX, Beckhoff, Lutron, Z-Wave, 1-Wire, MiCasaVerde Vera, EnOcean, xPL, Insteon, X10, Keene IR Anywhere, Philips Hue, Philips Pronto, Russound, Sonos, GlobalCache, IRTrans, XBMC, VLC, Samsung SmartTV, panStamps, Denon AVR, Marantz AVR, FreeBox, MythTV, RaZBerry

Reference: OpenRemote. "OpenRemote: Open Source for the Internet of Things" Internet:, Oct. 2013 [Oct. 20, 2013]


Hardware Outline

Functional Specs

A functional requirement defines what a system is supposed to do. Many previous iterations of the “smart shelf” idea used RFID tags.

  • The main aim for this project is to…..
  • Previous iterations of the smart shelf idea used RFID tags
  • Newave Smart Shelf
  • RFID Arena Smart Shelf
  • Talk about the characteristics of a metal-backed loop antenna and its application to a high-frequency RFID smart shelf
  • Talk about near-field antenna for RFID smart shelf in UHF
  • Mondelez international * Smart shelf can identify age and gender * Uses information to choose an ad custom suitable for the demographic * Weight sensors – to detect when the item is picked up * Includes Microsft’s Kinect for windows gesture recognition * Data crunching done by SAP AG’s Hana Software

Non-Functional Specs

A non-functional requirement defines how a system is supposed to be. Some Areas that define as non-functional requirements/specifications are: accessibility, performance/response time, usability, scalability, compatibility, reliability, maintainability, robustness, documentation, effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Sensors?

Physical design

(Containers to use, shelves, etc. -- this may not fit into "literature" review...)

Example of containers for home-users:

Technical design


Infrared Proximity Sensor Short Range - $13.95

Infrared Proximity Sensor Long Range - $14.95

Optical detector/phototransistor (cheap!!) - $1.13 Could be lodged into the side of the container at the "lowest allowable level" (for buyer container)

Flexiforce sensors Available in:

Can be calibrated. Datasheet says +- 3% error Analog output.

Load sensor

  • Load Sensor - 50kg - $9.95 (on backorder until Oct 16, 2013) Supposedly the same that would be found in a bathroom scale.


Netduino: three flavours, netduino 2, netduino plus 2 and netduino go

Arduino: (see project proposal)

Netduino vs. Arduino

  • Arduino is usually good for lower-level applications
  • Netduino is easier to debug


For netduino: .NET micro framework (e.g. C# or VB)

  • Uses Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 development environment
  • Development board SDK and drivers
  • (More useful "getting started" info at cited source) Reference: C. Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things. USA: O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2011

For Arduino:

Website framework

  • PHP + Javascript
  • Python + Django
  • Ruby + Rails
  • Static HTML + CSS
  • Android Application (instead of a website)

Benefits and costs associated with each. @ThatGeoGuy knows HTML, CSS, some Javascript, but uses Python + Django for his own website, it may be easier to build using that framework given the knowledge barrier presented with Ruby on Rails and other solutions.


Based on technical specs of project outlined in software & hardware sections:

  • Discuss shelving (will we make it?, will we buy it?, how many?, consider strength requirements, cost requirements, etc)
  • Discuss possible sensor set-ups for "faced detection", weigh cost & functionality benefits to meet outlined requirements
  • Discuss possible sensor set-ups for "people detection", weigh cost & functionality benefits to meet outlined requirements
  • Discuss software side
  • Wiring, power source, sensor mounting, connectivity issues
  • Team assignment
  • Plan for shelf including all hardware elements
  • Plan for software side
  • Timeline to acquire materials, build pieces, test

Future challenges
