- GitBasah
- GitHub
- LearnHowToProgram.com
- W3Schools
- VSCode
- Dillinger.io
This webpage is a professional illustration of the skills I have developed while attending Epicodus BootCamp. This page utilize's the HTML tags:
- p
- h
- ul
- ol
- li
- strong
- em
- a
- img
- div
- span
In addition to these tags CSS and BootStrap CSS was utilized to customize the HTML page to make it more readable, and more professional looking. This page will continue to grow as I grow with Epicodus. It will continue to show my professional growth and the skills I aquire.
$ git clone https://github.com/helen-lehrer/Mr-Robogers-Neighborhood
$ cd programming-language-suggester
$ code .
To view the webpage, simply preview index.html in your browser.
For GitHub page direct link click here
- Mobile display function isn't opperating correctly
MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Alesamdria Wild