├─ data Download the datasets to here. Annotations are already provided.
├─ results Scripts and Jupyter notebooks to analyze results.
├─ mmdetection All models and config files.
├─ sweeps Scripts to run train/test sweeps over multiple dataset sizes.
└─ train_test Scripts to train/test on individual dataset with different parameters.
Download and unzip data into data
folder. Unzip the corresponding annotation files into respective folders.
wget -O data/PIROPO/omni_1A.zip 'https://drive.upm.es/index.php/s/YF2JUrw33wtRMIj/download?path=%2F&files=omni_1A.zip'
wget -O data/PIROPO/omni_2A.zip 'https://drive.upm.es/index.php/s/YF2JUrw33wtRMIj/download?path=%2F&files=omni_2A.zip'
wget -O data/PIROPO/omni_3A.zip 'https://drive.upm.es/index.php/s/YF2JUrw33wtRMIj/download?path=%2F&files=omni_3A.zip'
wget -O data/PIROPO/omni_1B.zip 'https://drive.upm.es/index.php/s/YoWW0gkemWNZ3AL/download?path=%2F&files=omni_1B.zip'
cd data/PIROPO
unzip omni_1A.zip
unzip omni_1B.zip
unzip omni_2A.zip
unzip omni_3A.zip
wget -O data/MW-18Mar/MWAll.zip 'http://www2.icat.vt.edu/mirrorworlds-videos/MW-18Mar/MWAll.zip'
wget -O data/MW-18Mar/MWLabels_MOT.zip 'http://www2.icat.vt.edu/mirrorworlds-videos/MW-18Mar/MWLabels(MOT).zip'
wget -O data/MW-18Mar/RawTrainLabels.zip 'http://www2.icat.vt.edu/mirrorworlds-videos/MW-18Mar/RawTrainLabels.zip'
wget -O data/MW-18Mar/RawVideos.zip 'http://www2.icat.vt.edu/mirrorworlds-videos/MW-18Mar/RawVideos.zip'
cd data/MW-18Mar
unzip MWAll.zip
wget -O data/COCO/train2017.zip 'http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/train2017.zip'
cd /data/COCO
unzip train2017.zip
Download the COCO-person pre-trained model from MMDetection:
Then run train_test/split_config.py
to generate a version where the shared head is split into classification and bounding-box regression.
Run fine-tune.sh
and adaptive.sh
in sweeps/
to train models on training sets with sizes 1 to 100 and log the results.
Uncomment the corresponding sections in these scripts to switch datasets or model configuration.
Run baseline.sh
to test the COCO pre-trained model on the fisheye datasets.
Additionally, cross_test.sh
can be used to replicate the experiments with training on PIROPO and testing on Mirror Worlds (and vice-versa)
can be used to train a model on a single training set. The script takes 5 arguments:
number of epochs, training set size, training set split, model definition, and output name. Additionally, individual configuration
parameters can be overwritten.
For example, run
train_test/adapt_coco_piropo.sh 80 20 a TwoStageDetectorDA more_epochs
to train and test the final model on PIROPO-20a for 80 epochs (instead of the 40 used in other experiments). To overwrite configuration parameters, pass their name and value as additional parameters. E.g., to change the sample size for adversarial adaptation, run
train_test/adapt_coco_piropo.sh 40 20 a TwoStageDetectorDA smaller_sample_size model.train_cfg.da.0.sample_shape=9
You can use the paper.ipynb
Jupyter notebook to recreate plots as shown in the paper based on the training/testing logs.
Similarly, running analysis.sh
with the training/testing logs will reproduce the analyis of results by object characteristics size, distant, and angle.