A simple demo app for playing and testing latest Android libraries. Data is courtesy of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
- 100% Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Material 3 Compose
- Hilt
- Coroutines
- Retrofit
- Timber
- Coil
- Accompanist
- kotlinx.serialization
- MockWebServer (tests)
- Turbine (tests)
- ktlint
- Detekt (with Twitter Compose rules)
- Online art search via text from the Rijksmuseum catalog
- Art filtering by technique
- Light and Dark mode support
- Portrait and Landscape support
- Material You dynamic color support (Android 12+)
- Themed/Monochrome Icons (Android 12+)
- Predictive Back Gesture (Android 13+)
- Unit tests
- Instrumentation tests
- Add instrumentation tests to Github Checks
- Add local cache with Room
- Add proper foldable support
- Migrate project to Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform