Releases: TestStack/TestStack.FluentMVCTesting
Releases · TestStack/TestStack.FluentMVCTesting
- #57 - Brought in ExpressionToString contributed by Null (ByteBlast)
- #55 - Consistent error messages contributed by Null (ByteBlast)
- #54 - Bring in ExpressionToString
- #52 - Reconciled exception messages contributed by Null (ByteBlast)
- #51 - Bumped version and documented breaking change contributed by Null (ByteBlast)
- #50 - Beginnings of #47 contributed by Null (ByteBlast)
- #49 - Implemented AndShouldNotHaveTempDataProperty method contributed by Null (ByteBlast)
- #48 - Implemented #46 contributed by Null (ByteBlast)
- #47 - Improve ShouldRedirectTo exception message
- #46 - Make select test methods return their ActionResult to enable coarse-grained tests
- #36 - Would be handy to have: Controller.ShouldNotHaveTempDataProperty +enhancement
- #26 - Concerns about multiple logical assertions
- #25 - Inutile model validation error message
Commits: 3d8d497...00ce004
- #35 - Added direct support for MVC5, pulled out MVC3 and MVC4 projects contributed by Robert Moore (robdmoore)
- #34 - Readme contributed by ByteBlast (ByteBlast)
- #33 - Support for checking for temp data values. contributed by ByteBlast (ByteBlast)
- #32 - Added support for checking content. contributed by ByteBlast (ByteBlast)
- #12 - Support for ContentResult
- #11 - Support for MVC 5
- #10 - Fixing incorrect nuspec paths contributed by Robert Moore (robdmoore)
Commits: 4f29c72...a3758b1
- #31 - Fixing incorrect nuspec paths contributed by ByteBlast (ByteBlast)
- #30 - Implemented ShouldRenderFileStream. contributed by ByteBlast (ByteBlast)
- #24 - Added support for checking a file content result's textual contents. contributed by ByteBlast (ByteBlast)
- #3 - Chained assertion methods to check file result
Commits: 0b6d640...aa0a4c8
Breaking Changes
See .
Upgrade Instructions
Update-Package TestStack.FluentMVCTesting
Update-Package TestStack.FluentMVCTesting.Mvc3
FluentMVCTesting now uses semver and GitHub releases.
Symbols are published to symbolsource automatically now too.