Simple backend system of a shipping service to check for rates of shipping some goods, built using python and FastAPI
Rates are automatically imported (from data/rates (1).json) into the database when the system is run.
You can see the import function under
run pip install requirements.txt
to install all required files to run locally.
check file
and make sure that the DATABASE_URL
is set to the one for localhost.
check file
and make sure that the DATABASE_URL
is set to the one for docker.
run uvicorn main:app
from root directory to run
run docker-compose up
for first time and if you need to rebuild run docker-compose up -d --build
Run pytest
from root directory to run the test
When you run the docker container, a test container will be created (test-1 in my case). check the terminal of that container to see if there are any errors.