Releases: TencentCloud/chat-uikit-flutter
Releases · TencentCloud/chat-uikit-flutter
version: 4.0.0
Breaking changes
- Upgraded the plugin tim_ui_kit_sticker_plugin to 4.0.0, no longer supports QQ emoji and unicode emoji. The yellow face emoji of version 4.0.0 is no longer compatible with emojis of lower versions.
- Delete the useQQStickerPackage and unicodeEmojiList parameters in StickerPanelConfig.
- Delete the isUseDefaultEmoji parameter in TIMUIKitChatConfig.
- Delete the isUseDefaultEmoji parameter in each widget.
Bug Fixes
- Solve the problem that showReplyMessage and showForwardMessage in ToolTipsConfig do not take effect after being set to false.
version: 3.1.0+2
- Upgrade the third-party library version to adapt to Android AGP 8.0.
- Replace the flutter_slidable library with flutter_slidable_plus_plus to solve the compatibility issue of flutter 3.27.0 version.
version: 3.1.0
- The interface for deleting messages is changed to the interface for deleting cloud messages.
- C2C messages support read receipts
- Fix and optimize some issues