This repository contains a docker-compose setup intended for use toward the ENTRUST research project for development purposes locally and deployment to the Tellu R&I research cloud VM in AWS.
Use the following command in an appropriate terminal in the root folder of the repository: You might need to run with "sudo" prefix.
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up -d
Create a tarball of the repository locally (I've done it in Ubuntu by accessing the local repository through the /mnt/c/:
tar czf compose-entrust.tar.gz compose-entrust
Push the tarball to the AWS server (requires ssh set up according to
scp -i ~/.ssh/eratosthenes.pem compose-entrust.tar.gz [email protected]:entrust
SSH into the remote server
ssh -i ~/.ssh/eratosthenes.pem [email protected]
Extract the tarball
cd entrust tar xzf compose-entrust.tar.gz cd compose-entrust
Build docker image (with sudo) sudo docker-compose build
Deploy sudo docker-compose up -d
- Navigate to onboarding-server directory
cd onboarding server
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Execute npm build-and-start command
npm run build-and-start
Registers a new user in the sqlite database (generating new secret)
Changes the entry claimRequested to True in the database (pairing mode)
Registers new user in the RabbbitMQ database.
Unclaim a device and deletes it from the RabbitMQ database