- Add a personnal RPC on a
file if you want or by default it useshttps://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161
. - Add your wallet private key in the
file. !!! NOT IN CLEAR IN THE CODE !!! - Add your etherscan api key in the
- Deploy contract on rinkeby testnet:
npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/deploy_upgradeable.js
Pay attention to enter the returned address in the .env
file in PROXY_ADDRESS key.
- Deploy transfer ownership on rinkeby testnet:
npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/transfer_ownership.js
- Verify contract code:
npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby CONTRACT_ADDRESS
- Upgrade the contract with stake function:
npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/deploy_upgradeable_staking.js
How to test the contract versions :
npx hardhat console --network rinkeby
const NftCollection = await ethers.getContractFactory("NftCollection")
const nftCollection = await NftCollection.attach(PROXY_ADDRESS)
await nftCollection.launchPublicSale()
await nftCollection.publicMintNft(1, {value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.025") })
(await nftCollection.balanceOf(PUBLIC_KEY)).toString()
const NftCollectionV2 = await ethers.getContractFactory("NftCollectionV2")
const nftCollectionV2 = await NftCollectionV2.attach(PROXY_ADDRESS)
(await nftCollectionV2.balanceOf(PUBLIC_KEY)).toString()
- Replace "PROXY_ADDRESS" by the proxy address that you previously entered in your
. - Replace "PUBLIC_KEY" by the product key that is associated with the private key you previously entered in your
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Generate metadatas:
python3 scripts/metadata.py
- Run script to whitelist users :
You first need to add addresses of users that you want to whitelist inside scripts/outputs/addresses.json
file. After, run the signer.js
script in using
node scripts/signer.js
- Run web app:
cd webapp
yarn dev