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Fun Commands

Prasad edited this page May 27, 2022 · 5 revisions

This page documents all the fun commands used by the bot -

!!8ball <text> - check your fortune for your question.

!!ascii <text> - convert something into ascii.

!!emojify <text> - convert some text into emojis.

!!fliptext <text> - flip some text for fun.

!!hack <@user> - hack someone you wants to.

!!howgay <@user> - check how much of a gay they are.

!!pp <@user> - check user pp size.

!!wasted <@user> - Put the GTA Wasted pic over avatars!.

!!mission <@user> - Put the GTA Mission Passed pic over avatars!.

!!cry - send random crying gif.

!!hug <@user> - send random huging gif.

!!kiss <@user> - send random kissing gif.

!!pat <@user> - send random pating gif.

!!poke <@user> - send random poking gif.

!!punch - send random punching gif.

!!slap - send random slaping gif.

!!truth, !!dare - sends an embed with a truth or dare task.

!!anime <anime name> - sends an embed with information about the anime you searched for.

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