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tidyweo2024spring is primarily a data package enabling an efficient method for working with IMF - World Economic Outlook in R.


You can install the development version of tidyweo2024spring from GitHub with:

# install the `devtools` package if not yet installed
# install.packages("devtools")

# install tidyweo2024spring from GitHub


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:


Available datasets

IMF - World Economic Outlook by countries

imf_countries() %>% 
  select(-c(country_series_specific_notes,subject_notes)) %>% 
  head() %>% 
weo_country_code iso3c country_name weo_subject_code subject_descriptor units scale estimates_start_after year outcome
512 AFG Afghanistan NGDP_R Gross domestic product, constant prices National currency Billions 2023 1980 NA
512 AFG Afghanistan NGDP_R Gross domestic product, constant prices National currency Billions 2023 1981 NA
512 AFG Afghanistan NGDP_R Gross domestic product, constant prices National currency Billions 2023 1982 NA
512 AFG Afghanistan NGDP_R Gross domestic product, constant prices National currency Billions 2023 1983 NA
512 AFG Afghanistan NGDP_R Gross domestic product, constant prices National currency Billions 2023 1984 NA
512 AFG Afghanistan NGDP_R Gross domestic product, constant prices National currency Billions 2023 1985 NA

IMF - World Economic Outlook by country groups

imf_country_groups() %>% 
  head() %>% 
weo_country_group_code country_group_name weo_subject_code subject_descriptor subject_notes units scale country_series_specific_notes estimates_start_after year outcome
001 World NGDP_RPCH Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Units NA NA 1980 2.216
001 World NGDP_RPCH Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Units NA NA 1981 2.004
001 World NGDP_RPCH Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Units NA NA 1982 0.724
001 World NGDP_RPCH Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Units NA NA 1983 2.641
001 World NGDP_RPCH Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Units NA NA 1984 4.581
001 World NGDP_RPCH Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Units NA NA 1985 3.648


Country code

weo_country_code %>% 
  head(n = 6) %>% 
weo_country_code iso3c country_name
512 AFG Afghanistan
914 ALB Albania
612 DZA Algeria
171 AND Andorra
614 AGO Angola
311 ATG Antigua & Barbuda

Country/group code

weo_country_group_code %>% 
weo_country_group_code country_group_name
001 World
110 Advanced economies
163 Euro area
119 Major advanced economies (G7)
123 Other advanced economies (Advanced economies excluding G7 and euro area)
998 European Union
510 ASEAN-5
200 Emerging market and developing economies
505 Emerging and developing Asia
903 Emerging and developing Europe
205 Latin America and the Caribbean
400 Middle East and Central Asia
603 Sub-Saharan Africa

Subject code

weo_subject_code %>% 
  select(-c(subject_notes)) %>% 
  head(n = 6) %>% 
weo_subject_code subject_descriptor units scale
NGDP_R Gross domestic product, constant prices National currency Billions
NGDP_RPCH Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Units
NGDP Gross domestic product, current prices National currency Billions
NGDPD Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Billions
PPPGDP Gross domestic product, current prices Purchasing power parity; international dollars Billions
NGDP_D Gross domestic product, deflator Index Units


An R Package for IMF - World Economic Outlook.







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