[swift 3]
There was a need in error handling with more details and more flexibility in Swift. I wrote my own Error wrapper so I could add more details to the errors.
This wrapper just makes my life easier! Hope does the same for you. 😬
Initialize a Jiq object like this:
let error = Jiq(code: 0, codeName:"WhatEverCodeNameYouWant", type: .unknown, message:"Something bad happened.")
Or like this:
let error = Jiq()
You can assign multiple details to the errors.
error.type = .badResponse
Here are some Jiq types:
You can assing messages to the error like this:
error.message = "Something bad happened."
You can append the real Error object to it:
error.error = Error()
Simply drop the Jiq.swift file in your project or import this project to your workspace.