Utility object for detecting TCMP Tappy devices attached to a Chrome packaged app serial port.
npm install @taptrack/tappy-chromeserialautodetector
bower install tappy-tcmpchromeserialautodetector
The autodetector works by enumerating the serial devices attached to the computer then attempting to send each one of them a basic TCMP ping command and waiting for a valid ping response. For this reason, the autodetector should not be used if you have serial devices attached to your computer such as a serial motor controller that may cause problems when they receive this command.
// Note that by default the autodetector waits 100ms for a response,
// which is generally adequate; however in certain circumstances, such as
// during intensive application initialization, it may be useful to increase the
// wait timeout. This is done by passing the constructor an object containing
// a property called waitTimeout with a value corresponding to the number of
// milliseconds to wait.
var autodetector = new TappyChromeSerialAutodetector({waitTimeout: 250});
var tappy = null;
autodetector.setStatusCallback(function(isScanning) {
if(isScanning) {
console.log("Scan started");
} else {
console.log("Scan finished");
// Callback is passed a chrome.serial device. In general, you will
// only need to pass device.path to a ChromeSerialCommunicator
// for backing a TCMP Tappy object, but there are other parameters
// included that may be of interest
autodetector.setCallback(function(device) {
var comm = new TappyChromeSerialCommunicator(device.path);
tappy = new Tappy({communicator: comm});