Welcome to Sos Req System!
This website is designed to provide a rescue information.SOS Req system uses React for the front-end and NodeJS for the back-end and FastAPI for chatbot.
- Login, signup
- Show list emergency request
- Create emergency request
- Create normal request
- Show the user's location, rescuer's location and danger area on map
- Show the request's status (pending, accepted, rescuing)
- Show the request details include: comments, votes, location
- Show realtime direction between the user and rescuer
- Show the dashboard for rescuer
- Show the dashboard for admin
- Show the users management for admin
- Show the statistic for rescuer
- Show list danger area by rescuer
- Chat with other person
- Chat with chatbot
- Docker
- Nodejs: v16.x
- Google map api key
- A modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
- A stable internet connection.
- Login into the system the valid account
- Install Docker and docker-compose
- Install nodejs
- Install crul:
sudo apt install curl
- Install nvm:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
- Load the source:
source ~/.bashrc
- Install nodejs version 16.x:
nvm install v16
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Tanh101/sos_system_frontend.git
- Copy .env.exmaple to .env and add the environment
- Install dependences
npm install
- Build the production
npm run build
- Start the development server:
docker run -d p 8001:8000 -t frontend .
OR using with npm
npm run dev
If you have any questions or run into any issues while using the website, please create new issue and describe it. We're always happy to help!
Thank you for choosing SOS Req. We hope you enjoy learning and growing as a developer with us!