Chess variation where the winner is the player that loses all of their pieces first, or in the case of a stalemate, whichever player has the least pieces left. Has a fully functional AI capable of making intelligent moves. The AntiChess AI uses a variation of depth-first search and basic alpha-beta pruning in order to quickly and accurately determine viable moves in any given situations. It is able to predict what it's opponent is most likely to do.
This game was last updated in June 2013.
AntiChess is a collaboration between Mark Davydov, Bellamy Too and Tristan Amini.
Mark Davydov created the basic piece classes. This includes the movement patterns for each piece and the initial creation of them on the board.
Bellamy Too was responsible for the graphical portion of AntiChess and the AntiChessMain file. He created and designed the menus.
Tristan Amini was responsible for the majority of the coding, including the AntiChessBoard to organize and run the game as well as the AI coding and designing.