Simple use of docker build, run, pull and push
Using a simple node echo server we see the usage of ports, expose, forwarding and interacting with a running container
How to run multiple docker container at once and learn about the network created by docker-compose
working with different type of persistent volumes
Set up a local kubernetes cluster using minikube. Then create a nginx server in it.
Understanding different terminology of a kubernetes cluster
We need to work with multiple ports in kubernetes. We will create a server and try to explain how ports are forwarded in different levels
Set up two server who will communicate with each other. Thus we understand different kubernetes service like clusterIP, nodePort, LoadBalancer
Set up configMap in kubernetes to set up environment variables accesible from inside container
Set up a cluster with 3 nodes and in term learn concepts like node selector, node affinity, pod affinity, taint, tolerations
Autoscale kubernetes pods by monitoring CPU and memory usage
A simple introduction to azure kubernetes
Provision azure infrastructure with terraform