Easy and ready to use contest website. Install and let's get the game on !
- Author: Talos
- Contact: Twitter @Talos51
- Website: https://www.private-ts.tk
Kontest only require a valid LAMP ( or equivalent ) installation. Just install or use pre-existing Apache, PHP and MySQL and you're ready to go.
A dump example file is provided "AS IS" in docs/SQL to help you start immediately your app. If you want to create manually your database please refer to the dump example.
In order to use registration system you'll need to create and retrieve Recaptcha tokens at https://www.google.com/recaptcha
Then just copy them at sign-up.php lines 14 and 15 :
14. $captcha_secret="PUT_YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET_HERE";
15. $captcha_datakey="PUT_YOUR_DATAKEY_HERE";
If you choose to use provided MySQL dump ( see Database section for more information ) a default admin account is created with following credentials :
Login : admin
Password : demo1234
Otherwise you need to register on Kontest and manually change your role to Administrator (100) database-side.
As I'm French the default language of Kontest is indeed in French. Feel free to translate it simply by updating language.php variables :
// language.php
$_SITE_TITLE_HOME = "Accueil"; // EN = Home
Want to contribute? Great just fork the project and submit a request !
- Nothing ATM