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Releases: Talesoft/tale-jade

Major bugfixes

23 Aug 15:47
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This patch contains a lot of bug-fixes. Please update as soon as possible.

  • Updated Symfony mb polyfill to 1.2.0
  • Addressed #100, still not satisfied with the solution (but it works well, for ternary operators at least)
  • Addressed #109, the ignored variables are now a constant Tale\Jade\Compiler\IGNORED_SCOPE_VARIABLES. Define it prior to loading Tale Jade to specify own ignored variables (separated by :)
  • Addressed #115, mixins can now be called in a circular way and get resolved correctly
  • Addressed #113, classes can now start with a dash
  • Addressed #112, block expansion now handles following classes correctly
  • Addressed #108 and improved error handling, including a re-write of most exception messages with more details
  • Add is_object check to build_value function of the Compiler namespace to remove __toString-errors

Better mixin scoping, minor bugfixes

04 Jun 19:14
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  • Mixins now have proper scoping without $__args (Means you can also include generated templates with your own variable scope easily)
  • Some bugfixes


20 May 11:01
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Added tag interpolation (#97)

PSR-2 overhaul, bugfixes

07 Apr 09:27
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  • Cleaned up dev-dependencies
  • Now using PSR2 fully over the whole project.
  • tale-config is now used in version 0.2 (PSR-2)
  • Fixed a bug with name-only attributes separated with spaces (#66)
  • HTML5-mode now doesn't self-close attributes at all (#66)
  • The lexer now prints a little piece of jade code to find errors faster
  • Fixed a bug regarding IE conditional comments and interpolation (#75)
  • Added composer.lock to prevent stuff like the reason for 1.4.1.
  • Make sure that compiler doesn't echo XML doctypes in tests when running
    in HHVM.

Hotfix for changed tale-config API

02 Mar 09:18
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Check-Instruction, improved Escaping, improved Interpolation, Bugfixes

03 Feb 15:31
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Added the ?-instruction ("unchecked"-operator)

Disables automatic isset()-checks on variables for certain cases (e.g. objects with __get, but without __isset)


p?= $someVar

It can be combined with the !-escaping-instruction

p?!= $someVar

Added !-instruction on texts to enable escaping

Sometimes you want to escape text, e.g. when you want to display the HTML, not let it render
For that all text-elements can now be prefixed with ! to enable escaping.

Escaped texts will still support interpolation.


h1 My example code
pre: code!.
         $someVar = 123;
         echo $someVar;

p! This HTML <em>here</em> will be escaped

    !| This text will also be escaped
  • Improved variable detection. Variables like $someVar["some, weird$9 key"] will also be automatically enclosed in the isset-check now
  • Fixed a bug with a trailing semicolon in variadics (#61)
  • Updated README-file to reflect latest config changes

Structure updates, clean-up, improved interpolation

01 Feb 20:15
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  • Improved interpolation. Interpolation can now be nested and many limits have been removed. Check the tests to see what's possible
  • composer.json has been cleaned up
  • tale-config is now used as a modular configuration approach through tale-* components

Major bug fixes

16 Jan 20:47
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  • Lexer makes less noise on spaces
  • Added ConfigurableTrait docs
  • Fixed a problem with attribute escaping (#48)
  • Fixed a tab conversion bug in parser configuration (#44)
  • Disabled xdebug in travis
  • Optimized travis.yml

Configuration overhaul, bugfixes

16 Jan 15:12
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  • Fixed a bug where the extensions in the compiler were checked without
    the .-prefix in handleImport (#48)
  • Configuration-style now follows Tale\Jade\Util\ConfigurableTrait
  • Added some configuration utility methods to all objects
  • lifeTime, cachePath, indentStyle, indentWidth, extensions, mode,
    doctypes, filters and filterMap can now directly be set in the Renderer
    (No compilerOptions needed)

Error handling improvements, compiler improvements, bug-fixes

15 Jan 22:40
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  • Cleaned up tests
  • XML encoding will now be echoe'd by default in HHVM. An option
    echoXmlDoctype has been added to enable it manually
  • Compiler now handles doctypes correctly (Fixed #2)
  • Multiple extensions allowed via compiler's "extensions" options
    ("extension" has been removed) (Fixed #3)
  • .jd can now be used as an extension by default (.jade still works)
  • Some improved error handling
  • Doctype tests
  • Reworked the text-block lexing (#42)
  • Changed attribute parsing so that expressions like function calls are
    possible (Fixed #41)
  • Compiler will now always return Compiler-Exeptions, but will include
    the compiled file path (if any) in the message (Fixed #43)