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Theo Summer edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 5 revisions

Frontend Routes

  • "/" - Auth Route. Will show info describing the site. Will allow users to signup or login

  • "/home" - Will show a list of experiences that have been created (sorted by popularity). Will allow users to view some details on each activity in an experience and upvote or downvote the experience.

  • "/experiences/:id" - A show page for experiences. Will display the title and a map of the experience and a list of each activity in the experience that can be clicked on for additional details.

  • "/experiences/new" - Will allow users to create new experiences (made up of multiple activities that they will also be able to create here).

  • "/user" - A profile page for each user, which will show the experiences they have created, completed, and bookmarked.

  • "/search" - Will show a list of experiences (similar to /home), and will allow users to restrict by times, locations, or types of experiences.

Backend Routes

  • "/" - Will send page with empty div and JavaScript to render pages

  • "api/session" - Create and destroy methods for users to login and logout

  • "api/users" - Create and update methods for users to create an account and update their profile

  • "api/experiences" - CRUD methods for experiences

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