- Job owner create a job
- Developers or workers have to register into dwork with a small bond.
- Developers submit a proposal to one or more job at 1 time. Developers's hour estimation must be less than 20% different from job owner
- Job owner select 1 proposal to process
- Developers do their work and submit
- Owner check the result and make a payroll
- Developers will have level base on their previous work and total money they received
- Handle exception case like: workers not do their work, owner not do payroll
- Handle bonus, tip, maintainance, fix bug, etc
- Charge services fee
near call $ID new '{}' --accountId $ID
//Register as a requester
near call $ID register '{"requester": true}' --accountId job_creator.testnet --amount 0.5
// Create new job: job_creator.testnet
near call $ID new_task '{"title": "Retweet LNC post", "description": "Please Retweet this https://twitter.com/LearnNear/status/1491130118055796737. Your account need at least 5000 real followers", "price": "1000000000000000000", "max_participants": 2, "duration": "99999999999999999"}' --accountId job_creator.testnet --depositYocto 2000000000000000000
near call $ID register '{"requester": false}' --accountId job_worker.testnet --amount 0.5
//attach 0.1 for each submission //when task close we will refund
near call $ID submit_work '{"task_id": "'$TASK_ID'", "proof": "https://github.com/vunguyendev/dupwork"}' --accountId job_worker.testnet
near call $ID approve_work '{"task_id": "'$TASK_ID'", "worker_id": "job_worker.testnet"}' --accountId job_creator.testnet
near call $ID reject_work '{"task_id": "'$TASK_ID'", "worker_id": "job_worker.testnet"}' --accountId job_creator.testnet
near call $ID mark_task_as_completed '{"task_id": "'$TASK_ID'"}' --accountId job_creator.testnet
// get available_tasks
near view $ID available_tasks '{"from_index": 0, "limit": 10}'
Response example
View call: dev-1645542863744-61299495451094.available_tasks({"from_index": 0, "limit": 10})
owner: 'job_creator.testnet',
title: 'Retweet LNC post',
description: 'Please Retweet this https://twitter.com/LearnNear/status/1491130118055796737. Your account need at least 5000 real followers',
max_participants: 2,
price: '1000000000000000000',
proposals: [],
available_until: '1645543006936448101'
owner: 'job_creator.testnet',
title: 'Retweet LNC post',
description: 'Please Retweet this https://twitter.com/LearnNear/status/1491130118055796737. Your account need at least 5000 real followers',
max_participants: 2,
price: '1000000000000000000',
proposals: [],
available_until: '1645543168411808341'
owner: 'job_creator.testnet',
title: 'Retweet LNC post',
description: 'Please Retweet this https://twitter.com/LearnNear/status/1491130118055796737. Your account need at least 5000 real followers',
max_participants: 2,
price: '1000000000000000000',
proposals: [
account_id: 'job_worker.testnet',
proof_of_work: 'https://github.com/vunguyendev/dupwork',
is_approved: false
available_until: '1745543317976864393'
owner: 'job_creator.testnet',
title: 'Retweet LNC post',
description: 'Please Retweet this https://twitter.com/LearnNear/status/1491130118055796737. Your account need at least 5000 real followers',
max_participants: 2,
price: '1000000000000000000',
proposals: [],
available_until: '1745543874924929128'
//get user info
near view $ID user_info '{"account_id": "job_creator.testnet"}'
Response example
account_id: 'job_creator.testnet',
user_type: { type: 'Requester', total_stake: '0', current_requests: 0 },
completed_jobs: []