XTCASH is a decentralized peer-to-peer protocol for safe payments worldwide.
Block explorer for traaittXTE CryptoNote based cryptocurrency based on the Karbowanec transaction explorer
- It takes data from daemon. It should be accessible from the Internet. Run with open port as follows:
./XTCASHnetwork --enable-cors=* --rpc-bind-ip=
- Just upload to your website and change 'api' variable in config.js to point to your daemon. Also change the '$apiNode=' variable in /api/index.php to point the API urls to your daemon.
Ethereum: 0xD98FCe92dDE91B44f6e69fd8eD8133C8072aAc5e
XTE: XT2BB8bBWQuSoSJYmWJT4N8xC4nQWGzd5NmoQRrHPRXLCdo1XsyzbZGfXJpgVg3zCNhguuMT9ktpwHSteLXHcTYK1oj1KZpcw
XTCASH: cash9qr2ousgR7xDQRQsx4e3KbEGmGzThYK5qECukEaiHWy1MZymSKNFpWkZG2ian8BmjFFWRMi28Q7PFhwvsYvBAb21MtKvk2
TRRXITTE: 0xD98FCe92dDE91B44f6e69fd8eD8133C8072aAc5e
NYANTE: 0xD98FCe92dDE91B44f6e69fd8eD8133C8072aAc5e
NYANDOGE: 0xD98FCe92dDE91B44f6e69fd8eD8133C8072aAc5e
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