Sco-GEM 1.2.0
The curation and addition of transport reactions are the main improvement from Sco-GEM v1.1 to Sco-GEM v1.2.0
Additionally, branches for plotting and analysing data have been incorporated. The basis for this work was done by Tjasa Kumelj, and only the scripting adding the changes to the model reconstruction pipeline was performed by Snorre Sulheim.
Taxonomy | Template Model | Reactions | Metabolites | Genes | Memote score |
Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) | iKS1317 | 2612 | 2073 | 1777 | 77% |
The manuscript describing the model reconstruction and strain analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor M145 and M1152 is now available on BioRxiv: