scoGEM 1.0
First release of scoGEM, the community-developed genome-scale reconstruction of Streptomyces coelicolor.
The reconstruction is created by using iKS1317 as a template, additional genes, reactions and metabolites have been added from Sco4 and iAA1259
Basic stats
- 1613 genes
- 2544 reactions
- 2017 metabolites
- Memote score of 73
New features
- Increased coverage compared to previous models
- Divided the biomass-reaction into pseudo-metabolites:
- lipid
- rna
- dna
- cell wall
- protein
- carbohydrate
- misc
- Added SBO annotations to all genes, reactions and metabolites
- Curated biomass reaction with respect to prosthetic groups
- Improved coverage and curated annotation of
- genes: GO, UniProt, AA-sequence, mass, EC-number, PANTHER (all in separate csv-file)
- reactions: KEGG, BioCyc, MetaNetX
- metabolites: KEGG, BioCyc, CHEBI, MetaNetX
- Reviewed and curated reaction bounds by using calculations of the change in Gibbs free energy from eQuilibrator
- Created an enzyme-constrained model from scoGEM 1.0 by using GECKO
- Generated generic ec-models with protein pools for both strain M145 and M1152
- Generated condition-specific proteome-constrained ec-models for both M145 and M1152