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swing interval shortcut #7228

swing interval shortcut

swing interval shortcut #7228

GitHub Actions / Test Results succeeded Jul 16, 2024 in 0s

All 74 tests pass in 0s

74 tests  +74   74 ✅ +74   0s ⏱️ ±0s
13 suites +13    0 💤 ± 0 
13 files   +13    0 ❌ ± 0 

Results for commit 5e7da72. ± Comparison against earlier commit 9b3afde.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

74 tests found

There are 74 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
ClipIteratorTests ‑ allClips_arrangementIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ allClips_everywhereIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ allClips_sessionIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ arrangementClips_arrangementIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ arrangementClips_everywhereIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ arrangementClips_sessionIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ audioClips
ClipIteratorTests ‑ deleteClip
ClipIteratorTests ‑ instrumentClips
ClipIteratorTests ‑ instrumentClips_firstElementsWrongType
ClipIteratorTests ‑ noClips
ClipIteratorTests ‑ sessionClips_arrangementIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ sessionClips_everywhereIterator
ClipIteratorTests ‑ sessionClips_sessionIterator
FunctionTests ‑ mod
LFOTest ‑ renderGSaw
LFOTest ‑ renderGlobalSine
LFOTest ‑ renderGlobalTriangle
LFOTest ‑ renderLocalSine
LFOTest ‑ renderLocalTriangle
LFOTest ‑ renderRandomWalk
LFOTest ‑ renderSampleAndHold
LFOTest ‑ renderSquare
MemoryAllocation ‑ RandomAllocFragmentation
MemoryAllocation ‑ alloc100mb
MemoryAllocation ‑ alloc1kb
MemoryAllocation ‑ allocationSizes
MemoryAllocation ‑ allocationStructure
MemoryAllocation ‑ allocstealable
MemoryAllocation ‑ stealableAllocations
MemoryAllocation ‑ uniformAllocation
MemoryManagerTests ‑ MemoryManagerTests
MusicalKeyTest ‑ ctor
NoteSetTest ‑ add
NoteSetTest ‑ addUntrusted
NoteSetTest ‑ applyChanges
NoteSetTest ‑ clear
NoteSetTest ‑ count
NoteSetTest ‑ fill
NoteSetTest ‑ fromScaleNotes
NoteSetTest ‑ highest
NoteSetTest ‑ init
NoteSetTest ‑ subscript1
NoteSetTest ‑ subscript2
NoteSetTest ‑ subscript3
OpenHashTableTest ‑ test16bit
OpenHashTableTest ‑ test32bit
OpenHashTableTest ‑ test8bit
Scheduler ‑ backOffTime
Scheduler ‑ moreThanMaxTotal
Scheduler ‑ overSchedule
Scheduler ‑ remove
Scheduler ‑ removeWithPriZero
Scheduler ‑ schedule
Scheduler ‑ scheduleConditional
Scheduler ‑ scheduleConditionalDoesntRun
Scheduler ‑ scheduleMultiple
Scheduler ‑ scheduleOnce
Scheduler ‑ scheduleOnceWithRepeating
Scheduler ‑ tooManyTasks
Scheduler ‑ yield
SmallPointerTests ‑ SmallPointerTests
SyncTests ‑ syncValueToSyncLevel
SyncTests ‑ syncValueToSyncType
SyncTests ‑ wrapSwingIntervalSyncLevel
UnitTests ‑ UnitTests
UtilTest ‑ isSameNote
ValueScalingTest ‑ HalfPrecisionValueScaling
ValueScalingTest ‑ arpMidiCvRatchetOrRhytmValueScaling
ValueScalingTest ‑ consistentArpAndMenuMaxValues
ValueScalingTest ‑ panValueScaling
ValueScalingTest ‑ standardMenuItemValueScaling
WaveTest ‑ triangle
semver_spec ‑ semver_spec