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Core: Hotkey Daemon

SwiftyChicken edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 1 revision

Hotkey Daemon (sxhkd)


I catogarise my keybindings in 3 groups: wm controls, mediakeys and applications.

The wm controls are all the hotkeys that help controlling windows and desktops.
Those hotkeys always start with Alt.

The mediakeys are simply the mediakeys on the function keys.

The applications hotkeys spawn or toggle the hide flag for a specific application.
Those hotkeys always start with Alt Gr or you can start a chord chain with Alt + A (to open applications with one hand easier).



Alt + R Reload bspwm config
Alt + Shift + R Reload sxhkd config
Alt + D Close focused window
Alt + Shift + D Kill focused window
Alt + M Alternate between monocle and tiled layout
Alt + G Swap current focused window with the biggest window
Alt + T Set window state to tiled
Alt + Shift + T Set window state to psuedo tiled
Alt + S Set window state to floating
Alt + F Set window state to fullscreen
Alt + Ctrl + M Set window flag to marked (<!!>)
Alt + Ctrl + X Set window flag to locked (<!!>)
Alt + Ctrl + Y Set window flag to sticky (<!!>)
Alt + Ctrl + Z Set window flag to private (<!!>)
Alt + H or J or K or L Focus the window in the given direction (vim based)
Alt + Shift + H or J or K or L Move the window in the given direction (vim based)
Alt + C Focus on the next non-floating window in the current desktop
Alt + Shift + C Focus on the previous non-floating window in the current desktop
Alt + V Focus on the next floating window in the current desktop
Alt + Shift + V Focus on the previous floating window in the current desktop
Alt + O Focus on the next occupied destkop
Alt + I Focus on the previous occupied destkop
Alt + Shift + O Focus on the next destkop
Alt + Shift + I Focus on the previous destkop
Alt + Tab Focus on the last occupied desktop
Alt + &1 => ç9 , à0 Focus respectively on desktop 1-10 (I use an azerty belgian keyboard)
Alt + Shift + &1 => ç9 , à0 Move focused window on the desktop 1-10
Alt + ?> <!!>
Alt + Shift + ?> <!!>


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For more details on my keybindings and how they work, checkout my sxhkd config.