This is the Visual Studio 2019/2022 Dark C++ theme ported as an NvChad Base46 theme. It is made to be as faithful to the original as possible.
- NvChad 2.0
Compatible with:
- Treesitter
- NvimTree
Known Issues:
directives do not get colored properly when using clangd
!NOTE: For proper semantic highlighting, enable semantic tokens from your lsp (if supported, I recommend clangd as lsp)
If you would like the theme to be as faithful to the Visual Studio version, I highly suggest enabling semantic token highlighting in NvChad:
In ~/.config/nvim/lua/core/default_config.lua
set lsp_semantic_tokens = true
(available in Neovim >= 0.9)
git clone <YOUR_DIRECTORY>
Then copy to NvChad themes folder:
cp <YOUR_DIRECTORTY>/vsdark.lua ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/base46/lua/base46/themes/vsdark.lua
Then, once inside Neovim, enter
and select vsdark
from the menu