If you want donate cash for original developer
Simulates skills client-side, eliminating ping-based delays and animation lock.
Main repository: https://github.com/pinkipi/skill-prediction
If you want anything fixed pls consider donating to
Stable branch: https://github.com/SaltyMonkey/skill-prediction/tree/master
The one you're probably at looking right now.
Experimental Branch: https://github.com/SaltyMonkey/skill-prediction/tree/experimental
The "Playground" Branch, might occasionally encounter itself unusable because someone forgot a ,
or someone duplicated a function.
It also includes some QoLs for logging skills.
KTera-PTS branch: https://github.com/SaltyMonkey/skill-prediction/tree/KTera-PTS
Currently being worked on, we still heavily require someone logging on it to advance further though(config templates will get done sooner or later to ease adding data). I'll leave a simple guide on how to log with the debugger and on what we need exactly hopefully soon, if you wanna help still, feel free to do so already.
More on branches: https://github.com/SaltyMonkey/skill-prediction/wiki/Branches
Wiki: https://github.com/SaltyMonkey/skill-prediction/wiki
(!!!)About SP and GitHub: https://github.com/SaltyMonkey/skill-prediction/wiki/Forks
Disabling a particular skill in SP: https://github.com/SaltyMonkey/skill-prediction/wiki#commenting-in-javascriptaka-if-you-want-a-skill-to-not-be-affected-by-sp
Basic SP troubleshooting: Soon™