Low level storj protocol reference implementation.
Download latest windows release from github.
Extract the zip file to the folder where you wish to have it installed.
$ storjnode.exe --help
Install client
$ sudo pip install storjnode $ storjnode --help
Update client
$ sudo pip install storjnode --upgrade $ storjnode --help
Install client
$ brew install python $ rehash $ pip install storjnode $ storjnode --help
Update client
$ pip install storjnode --upgrade $ storjnode --help
Starting and using a node in python.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# from examples/usage.py
import time
import signal
import storjnode
from crochet import setup, TimeoutError
# start twisted via crochet and remove twisted handler
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)
# start node (use bitcoin wif or hwif as node key)
node_key = "KzygUeD8qXaKBFdJWMk9c6AVib89keoZFBNdFBsj73kYZfAc4n1j"
node = storjnode.network.Node(node_key)
print("Giving nodes some time to find peers.")
# The blocking node interface is very simple and behaves like a dict.
node["examplekey"] = "examplevalue" # put key value pair into DHT
retrieved = node["examplekey"] # retrieve value by key from DHT
print("{key} => {value}".format(key="examplekey", value=retrieved))
except TimeoutError:
print("Got timeout error")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Stopping node")
Using more then one node in a python script.
If your are using more then one node in a single script, you must assign them different ports.
See examples/network/multinode.py
Relay messages are sent to the node nearest the receiver in the routing table that accepts the relay message. This continues until it reaches the destination or the nearest node to the receiver is reached.
Because messages are always relayed only to reachable nodes in the current routing table, there is a fare chance nodes behind a NAT can be reached if it is connected to the network.
See examples/network/relay_message.py
You can crawl the network to create a map of the network. Generating a graph of the network is also possable (though not reccomended for networks with many nodes).
See examples/network/map_network.py