This is a small example on how a genetic algorithm works. It shows of the basic principles, but without a proper simulation.
Genes in a Chromosome are represented by a number from 0-9, and are ordered in that Chromosome. I want to reach a Chromosome that consists only out of 1's. Therefor the fitness function is very straightforward, it counts the number of 1's. ( when printing out a Chromosome, these 1's are left blank, for better visibility )
You start out by creating an Incubator. This creates a random starting population. Simply calling run on it will start the process of generating new generations. The steps of a Genetic Algorithm are:
- generate random population
- while fitness not good enough
- selection
- do a crossover (reproduce)
- mutate I left out the automatic while statement, you can manually run until you are happy with the results.
The selection algorithm I use works with an Elitism of 50%, this is normally too high to have good results. Eltism means you keep certain top Chromosomes in your next generation, and only letting them mutate. These 50% top Chromosomes than do a crossover, each 2 generate 2 offspring, by using a single crossover point.
The mutation is also very simple, it selets a random gene and gives it a new random value from 0-9.
WARNING: Normally you would simulate the genes in a process, for example a physics engine, and based on those results you would calculate the fitness
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