Utility functions for swift that have been created through the years. Some converted from other languages.
The utilities are broken down by type categories (I did what I thought was ok).
Queues --> I mainly created these so as Swift morphs, I can easily adjust the function bodies and not all over the code base, plus, I may want to add later functionality.
NumbersToWords --> Converts a number String "$1,234.56" to "one thousand two hundred thirty four dollars and 56/100"
let words = NumbersToWords.convert(amount: "1.31")
One Dollar and 31/100
let words = NumbersToWords.convert(amount: "9,304.67")
nine thousand three hundred four dollars and 67/100
amount can be 0.01 ... 999,999.99 nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars and 99/100
FileSystem --> clear out temp files, determine available space on device
CancelableClosure --> I use it for waiting for 0.5 seconds to elapse on key strokes, then call some lookup function
var cc = CancelableClosure() // axe maintain the var
cc.cancelled = true // axe stop current one from running
let newCc = CancelableClosure() // axe create new one inside your acceptance of keystrokes func
newCc.closure =
{// [weak self] in
// axe this is where you would make a server call to fetch a new search lookup based on keystrokes or something
cc = newCc // axe set to global var
cc.runAfterDelayOf(delayTime: 0.5) // axe if nothing happens (i.e. user stops typing) then closure is called
UIColor Extension --> great way to save a color value as an Int then pull from database and easily convert back to UIColor
let color = UIColor.init(red: 10, green: 20, blue: 30) // axe easy way to create a color
let colorInt = UIColor.hexFromColor(color: color) // axe converts to an Int value for easy saving
UIColor.colorWithHex(hex: colorInt) // axe convert saved Int back to a color
// axe it is called hex as lots of folks express colors as hex values 0xFF1020 as an example
// colorWithHex takes an Int that can be a hex value as well, in the end it's all 0 and 1's
Int Extension --> convert Int to String distance, format Ints with commas, convert to thousands(k) and millions(m)
intVal = 123
intVal.distance() --> 123ft
intVal.fullNotation() --> 123
intVal.kmNotation() --> 123
intVal = 4567
intVal.distance() --> 0.86mi
intVal.fullNotation() --> 4,567
intVal.kmNotation() --> 4.6k
intVal = 5280000
intVal.distance() --> 1,000mi
intVal.fullNotation() --> 5,280,000
intVal.kmNotation() --> 5.28m
AutoFillTextField --> if trigger char is matched while typing in textfield a popup selection list is displayed. A nice way to select an item from a table.
var autoComplete:AutoFillTextField?
let listOfNames = [
AutoFillTextFieldData(name: <This is displayed and returned>, imageUrl: <link to image if availble>),
autoComplete = AutoFillTextField(triggers: "@+", textF: textF, view: view, list: listOfNames, backColor: UIColor.brown, textColor: UIColor.red, callBack:
triggers: <characters that activate the table view popup>,
textF: UITextField, // axe weak referenced
view: <the view the textfield is in>, // axe weak referenced
list: <AutoFillTextFieldData array of items to display>,
tableView: <optional or pass in your own table that I use>,
backColor: <optional background color of table>,
textColor: <optional color of text>,
callBack: <optional method you can have called in between keystrokes to load more data matching text of textfield>
autoComplete.updateList(list: <new list of names>) // axe update displayed list on the fly or from callback
UtilitiesInSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "UtilitiesInSwift"
steveaxelrod007, [email protected]
UtilitiesInSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.