All Release Notes can also be found on the wiki:
Bugfixes and improvements:
- warning for console command "restartMySavegame" fixed #986
- curves via mouse wheel also possible with dual routes (blue/brown lines) #94
- optimisation of collision sensor to prevent unnecessary braking maneuvers, e.g. on steep roads #211, 587
- max. silo distance can be set globally and now also vehicle-specific #204, 735, 858, 962
- experimental feature "Fold Implements" is set to "Yes" by default, but has been ignored so far #829, 837
- number of repeats increased from max. 9 to 99 #860, 862
- number of repeats can be set using the mouse wheel (even faster with LShift) #993, 996, 1000
- entries in the F1 menu were still displayed despite deactivation #980, 1042
- after switching from one load to Multiselect, the previously individually selected load was still active #990
- background color for text field adjustable and display scaling for lines increased to 1000% #991
- AD stops under a bridge when a train passes over it #995
- distributed unloading at field exit strategy "Nearest" does not work #998, 1015
- error in 'currentDischargeNode' (a nil value) #1061
- change angle (behind waypoint), which AD still drives/uses for turning, reduced from 90 to 80°
- improvement in the recognition of vehicles on 2-way routes (vehicles in the same direction were not recognized correctly)
- harvester from the Premium expansion was approached on the wrong side #1034
Bunker silo vehicle manager for the purpose of detecting vehicles in silos:
- only applies to vehicles that unload in the same silo (distributed unloading, destinations in one folder)
- the detection distance can be adjusted in the global settings
- has no influence on CoursePlay silo compressors
Extension waypoint creation by mouse click:
- already available: a 2-way route is created with LCTRL + LALT and then LMB
- new: with LCTRL + LShift and then LMB you can create branch lines
Debugging of waypoints outside the map (in single player!):
- bring a vehicle close to the waypoints
- activate editor mode and then activate route network debugging
- if developer debugging is then activated, the waypoints are moved towards the vehicle
Note: only works for waypoints that are outside the map.
E.g. standard map size 1,024 x 1,024: the coordinates of the waypoints must be greater than 1,024 or less than -1,024.