All Release Notes can also be found on the wiki:
Bugfixes and improvements:
- Improvement in the unloader routine regarding potato harvesting #141, 252 & 258
- Unloader drives too close to the chopper #213
- Improvement in the detection of sugar cane harvesters
- Unloaders does not drive under the pipe when unloading while driving #227, 249 & 295
- Fixed bugs regarding refueling #203, 262 & 291
- LUA error regarding the red line #279
- Server crash if several non connected route networks exist #237
- Unloader can not find a way down from the field #256
- Wrong destination shown in the error message #276
- Warning message regarding #210
- Key combinations regarding edit routes do not work #232
- Arrow key combinations cause errors between AD and CP #278
- Possible fix when using the mod "FS22_PlayerPositionSaver #273
- removed incorrect and no longer needed translation #281
- all notificatiosn are now only displayed at the top #286
- the AD-HUD can be hidden in the helper menu by clicking the X
- Improvement in the locking of trailer axes regardid reverse driving
- when the editor mode is active, the entire route network is displayed in the helper menu
- AutoDrive and CoursePlay operate together again and the CP button is active if CP is present as a mod.
Please note that the activated CP button is only evaluated when AD arrives at a destination:
- if AD was not started from CP, CP is started with the first point of the CP course
- if AD was started from CP, then on return at the first AD destination CP is started with the point of the CP course where it left off
The CP button is deactivated when "manually" interacting into the entire sequence:
- change of the first AD target
- send refueling, repair or parking via button combo or HUD
- automatic refueling, repairing or parking is OK (will be integrated into the process by AD)
or the player deactivates it himself.These activities are effective even if AD is not active and a running CP job is also stopped by this.
If the AD mode is changed, it has no effect as long as the first target is not changed.Hints:
- if a seed drill is started without fertilizer, CP immediately reports it as empty. Here the fertilizer function must be deactivated in CP.
- it is advisable to set the activation of the CP-HUD with right mouse button to another key or to deactivate it