An interactive web application full stack project for users to add products(admin only), put listing products to the shopping cart, and check out the items in the shopping cart.
- Front end: JavaScript
- Back end: JAVA8(Eclipse JEE)
- Database: MYSQL
- Java servlet: Apache Tomcat v9.0
- Framework: Spring, Hibernate
- Spring Security(in memory for admin and JDBC for users)
- Applications(dataSource, sessionFactory, multipartResolver)
- pom.xml(frameworks support)
- server.xml in your server(add a folder to store product images)
In order to use inversion of control and dependency injection, we need to use configure classes as Spring Beans. They are done in my xml files.
I use Spring MVC to deal with HTTP request and response.
- HomePage(login and logout)
- Register
- Cart(show cart items)
- CartItem(add and remove items)
- Order
- Product(list all products)
I use Hibernate to support database CRUD operations instead of using SQL scripts. In the model package, I build each schema as class, and the dao package provides database operation methods.