Decky Cloud Save v1.3.3 #1864
5 notices
Append hash to plugin version
This run was triggered by a pull request. Appending the commit hash to the plugin version.
Append hash to plugin version
Going from 1.3.3 to 1.3.3-79607de
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Processing plugin Decky Cloud Save v1.3.3-79607de (by GedasFX)
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{"id":19,"name":"Decky Cloud Save","author":"GedasFX","description":"Manage cloud saves for games that do not support it in [current year].","tags":["backup","cloud","rclone"],"versions":[{"name":"1.3.3-79607de","hash":"9801a65ecadfcab605da9f5f88d89e4bf16d7840241adb334172d816afec80a3","created":"2024-01-17T12:12:33Z","downloads":0,"updates":0}],"visible":true,"image_url":"","downloads":0,"updates":0,"created":"2024-01-17T12:12:33Z","updated":"2024-01-17T12:12:33Z"}
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.