Determine the maximum available memory on the server using php
Many unfortunately today do not consider php as a language for writing console applications, almost all of the pupils code on it WEB because of what PHP imposes a number of restrictions related to WEB, I once had a task when I was writing a CLS application, and I needed to determine how much now on the server of available memory ... After spending about 48 hours on Google, I was upset and found out that PHP can not do this routinely.
Therefore, I had to write a small code that would return free memory on the server
Will only work in FreeBSD x64
Step 1 To install, simply download the files to your computer/server
Step 2 Go to the folder with the downloaded files
cd ./maxmemphp
Step 3 Execute the following commands in the folder with the downloaded files
make install
Step 4
After these actions, a file will appear in the folder with the libraries to your php
Step 5
It only remains to connect it to your php.ini
To quickly find your php.ini execute in the terminal
php -i | grep php.ini
In the answer there will be something like:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php/7.0/cli Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
Actually /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini and tells us where to look for the file
We add in php.ini
Actually on this installation is finished
$free_memory_server=system_available_memory(); // Return unallocated memory on the server in bytes (int)
echo $free_memory_server; // Will output something like 765834568
I plan to add support for other platforms - maybe even get my hands on it for WIndows but when I do it (and I'll do it at all) I have no idea .... But you can always help me :)