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TimeMachine, CloneToolX, Carbon Copy Cloner, Apple Software Restore

Todd Bruss edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 1 revision

TimeMachine is slow to do a full restore while it's great for incremental tape drive style backups. Carbon Copy Cloner all around good. If you know how to use ASR in the command line and your disks are NOT sealed then that works well. My software built into Bigmac2 recovery / installer disks uses ClonetoolX which uses a combination of ASR and hdiutil under the hood and its fully compatible with BigMac2 / Hax.dylib DoNotSeal installs.

If the disk is not sealed OR if the ASR doesn't think your seal is broken, you can create a bootable backup with ASR which is built in to the OS.

cd /Volumes ls -a sudo asr -s sourceDiskName -t targetDiskName -er -nov


sudo asr -s / -t macOS -er -nov sudo asr -s 'Macintosh HD' -t macOS -er -nov

If not in recovery, omit sudo

For an easier time with BigMac2 installs, give CloneToolX a whirl. Just boot up Bigmac2 recovery / installer disk and do your thing.