Development State: Finished, may receive future updates.
PyArcadePaint is a python application that allows a user to draw something using a simple GUI, then convert it into python code with the single click of a button. This code will then be manually copied and pasted into an Arcade template in a .py file, which when run will draw the drawing the user drew in the GUI. It's simple, fast, and time-saving!
arcade python library
pymsgbox python library
- Run the program.
- Choose a shape to draw on the toolbar on the left side of the screen.
- Choose a color to draw with on the toolbar on the left side of the screen.
- Click somewhere on the drawing canvas, and hold the mouse until a second coordinate, then release the mouse button. A shape should appear on the screen. Repeat doing this for more shapes of various to appear on the screen.
- When done drawing, click the export button at the top left corner of the screen. A popup message should appear confirming this, click ok.
- Open your file explorer, navigate to this project's directory, and run
- Your drawing should appear.