A [WIP] flexible and easy to use Discord API wrapper for python ๐.
Warning: This library is very unstable and things might not work as expected. Feel free to create an issue.
Support server: https://discord.gg/FyEE54u9GF
Documentation: https://sarthhh.github.io/wyvern/
PYPI: https://pypi.org/project/wyvern
$python -m pip install git+https://github.com/sarthhh/wyvern
- CommandsClient with commands support.
import wyvern
# creating a CommandsClient object to interaction with commands.
client = wyvern.CommandsClient("TOKEN")
# creating a slash command using with_slash_command decorator.
@client.with_slash_command(name="hello", description="says a hello")
async def hello(interaction: wyvern.ApplicationCommandInteraction) -> None:
# creating a response to the interaction.
await interaction.create_message_response("hi!")
# running the bot.
- Basic GatewayClient with listener.
import wyvern
# creating a GatewayClient instance and storing it into the client variable.
# this acts as the interface between your bot and the code.
client = wyvern.GatewayClient("TOKEN", intents=wyvern.Intents.UNPRIVILEGED | wyvern.Intents.MESSAGE_CONTENT)
# creating an EventListener object and adding it to the client's event handler using the
# @client.listen decorator. You can set the maximum amount of time this listener will get triggered using
# the `max_trigger kwarg in the listener decorator.`
async def message_create(message: wyvern.Message) -> None:
"""This coroutine is triggerd whenever the MESSAGE_CREATE event gets dispatched."""
if message.content and message.content.lower() == "!ping":
await message.respond("pong!")
# runs the bot.