Credits are to be given too to Nexon(Duh!), the original MapleSolaxia staff and other colaborators, as just some changes/patches on the game were applied by myself, in which some of them diverged from the original v83 patch contents.
Regarding distributability and usage of the code presented here: like it was before, this MapleStory server is open-source. By that, it is meant that anyone is free to install, use, modify and redistribute the contents, as long as there is no kind of commercial trading involved and the credits to the original creators are maintained within the codes.
This is a NetBeans 8.0.2 Project, that MUST be built and run under JDK/JRE 7 in order to run properly. This means that it's easier to install the project via opening the server project folder inside NetBeans' IDE. Once installed, build this project on your machine and run the server using the "launch.bat" application.
In this project, many gameplay-wise issues generated from either the original WZ files and the server sources have been partially or completely solved. Considering the use of the provided edited WZ's and server-side wz.xml files should be of the greatest importance when dealing with this instance of private server, in order to perceive it at it's full potential. My opinion, though! Refer to "README_wzchanges.txt" for more information on what have been changed from Nexon's v83 WZ files.
The main objective of this project is to try as best as possible to recreate what once was the original MapleStory v83, while adding up some flavors that spices up the gameplay. In other words, to aim to get the best of the MapleStory of that era.
Server files:
Client files & general tools:
If you liked what you have seen on the project, donate a little something as a helping hand for my contributions towards Maple development. Paypal:
The following link teaches on how to install a MapleStory v83 private server, however IT DIFFERS on what is used here:
Use that link ONLY AS AN ORIENTATION on where here things start to become ambiguous.
Firstly, install all the general tools required to run the server:
- WampServer2.0i.exe -> recipient of the server.
- hamachi.msi -> used for establishing a tunnelling route for the server/client communication.
- mysql-query-browser-1.1.20-win.msi -> MySQL server component, will store the server's DB.
Now install the Java 7 Development Kit:
- jdk-7u79-windows-x64.exe
- netbeans-8.0.2-javase-windows.exe -> It's a NetBeans project, use other IDE at your own risk.
Overwrite whenever prompted with the JAR files under "jce_policy-7/UnlimitedJCEPolicy" in these Java folders:
- C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib
- C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext
- C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\security
- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\lib
- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\jre\lib
- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\jre\lib\ext
- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\jre\lib\security
Now that the tools have been installed, test if they are working.
For WampServer: Once you're done installing it, run it and you will see the Wamp icon on the bottom right corner. Left click it and click 'Put Online'. In case of ORANGE ICON, change port 80 at "httpd.conf" to another, as it clashes with a Windows default port. Then Left click it again and click 'Start All Services'. The Wamp icon must look completely green (if its orange or red, you have a problem).
For Hamachi: Try opening it. It's that simple. Hamachi is optional, though. You don't have to install Hamachi if you want to make the server just for use on your own machine. However, if you want to let other players access your server, consider alternatively using port-forwarding methods.
Set the "MapleSolaxia" folder on a place of your preference. It is recommended for use "C:\Nexon\MapleSolaxia".
Setting up the SQL: open MySQL Query Browser, and define these parameters at startup and click OK: Server Host: localhost Port: 3306 Username: root
Now it must be done CAREFULLY:
- File -> Open Script... -> Browse for "C:\Nexon\MapleSolaxia\sql" -> db_database.sql, and execute it.
- File -> Open Script... -> Browse for "C:\Nexon\MapleSolaxia\sql" -> db_drops.sql, and execute it.
Now it is OPTIONAL, you don't need to run it if you don't want, as it will simply change some NPC shops to set some new goods, not present in the original MapleStory, to sell:
- File -> Open Script... -> Browse for "C:\Nexon\MapleSolaxia\sql" -> db_shopupdate.sql, and execute it.
At the end of the execution of these SQLs, you should have installed a database schema named "maplesolaxia". REGISTER YOUR FIRST ACCOUNT to be used in-game by creating manually a entry on the table "accounts" at that database with a login and a password.
Configure the IP you want to use for your MapleStory server in "configuration.ini" file, or set it as "localhost" if you want to run it only on your machine. Alternatively, you can use the IP given by Hamachi to use on a Hamachi network, or you can use a non-Hamachi method of port-forwarding. Neither will be approached here.
Now open NetBeans, and choose to Open a project... Select then the "MapleSolaxia" folder, that should already be a project recognizable by NetBeans. If it doesn't, you have a problem.
Inside the project, you may encounter some code errors. These happens because you have not set yet the "cores" of the project. From the project hierarchy, right-click the project and select "Resolve Project Problems". Locate the "cores" folder inside the root directory of this project and manually configure the missing files with the files that are there.
Finally, select "Clean and Build project" to build the JAR file for the MapleStory server. Once done, make sure both WampServer and Hamachi are on and functioning, and then execute "launch.bat" on the root of the project. If no errors were raised from this action, your MapleStory server is now online.
The client's set-up is quite straightforward:
- From "ManagerMsv83.exe", install MapleStory on your folder of preference (e.g. "C:\Nexon\MapleStory") and follow their instructions.
- Once done, erase these files: "HShield" (folder), "ASPLauncher.exe", "MapleStory.exe" and "patcher.exe".
- Extract into the client folder the "localhost.exe" from Localhostv83.
- Overwrite the original WZ files with the ones provided from "client_wz" folder on the Google Drive.
If you are not using "localhost" as the target IP on the server's config file, you will need to HEX-EDIT "localhost.exe" to fetch your IP. Track down all IP locations by searching for "Text String" "", and applying the changes wherever it fits.
To hex-edit, install the Neo Hex Editor from "free-hex-editor-neo.exe" and follow their instructions. Once done, open "localhost.exe" for editing and overwrite the IP values under the 3 addresses. Save the changes and exit the editor.
Open the "localhost.exe" client. If by any means the program did not open, and checking que server log your ping has been listened and you are using Windows 8 or 10, it probably might be some compatibility issue. Extract "lolwut.exe" from "lolwut-v0.01.rar" and place it on the MapleStory client folder ("C:\Nexon\MapleStory"). Your "localhost.exe" property settings must follow these:
- Run in compatibility mode: Windows 7;
- Unchecked reduced color mode;
- 640 x 480 resolution;
- Unchecked disable display on high DPI settings;
- Run as an administrator;
- Opening "lolwut.exe", use Fraysa's method.
Important: should the client being refused to connect to the game server, it may be because firewall issues. Head to the end of this file to proceed to enabling this connection with the computer's firewall. Alternatively, one can deactivate the firewall and try opening the client again.
DO NOT USE the server's XMLs for reimporting into the client's WZ, it WILL generate some kind of bugs afterwards.
- Use instead the HaRepacker 4.2.4, encryption "GMS (old)".
- Open the desired WZ for editing and, USING THE UI, make the desired changes.
- Save the changed WZ, overwriting the original content at the client folder.
- Finally, RE-EXPORT ("Private Server..." exporting option) the changed XMLs into the server's WZ.XML files, overwriting the old contents.
These steps are IMPORTANT to maintain synchronization between the server and client modules.
As an example of client WZ editing, consider the MobBookUpdate project I developed, for updating all reported drop data of the mobs in the game based on the current drop data on the database:
- Open the MobBookUpdate project on NetBeans, located at "C:\Nexon\MapleSolaxia\MobBookUpdate", and build it.
- At the subfolder "lib", copy the file "MonsterBook.img.xml". This is from the original WZ v83.
- Paste it on the "dist" subfolder.
- Inside "dist", open the command prompt by alt+right clicking there.
- Execute "java -jar MobBookUpdate.jar". It will generate a "MonsterBook_updated.img.xml" file.
- At last, overwrite the "MonsterBook.img.xml" on "C:\Nexon\MapleSolaxia\wz\String.wz" with this file, renaming it back to "MonsterBook.img.xml".
At this point, the server-side Monster Book has been updated with the current state of the database's drop data. Then, open HaRepacker 4.2.2 and load "String.wz" from "C:\Nexon\MapleStory". Drop the "MonsterBook.img" node by removing it from the hierarchy tree, then (CONTRARY TO WHAT SHOULD BE DONE NORMALLY!) import the server's "MonsterBook.img.xml".
Take note that this is absolutely dangerous if done unwary. Once the MonsterBook.img does not hold client specific data in it's node contents, importing the XML causes no harm at all. However, try not to remove/reimport nodes from WZ files, as it may cause data losses. Use the HaRepacker's UI instead to make the changes.
Save the changes and overwrite the older WZ on the MapleStory client folder.
To use portforward, you will need to have permission to change things on the LAN router. Access yor router using the Internet browser. URLs vary accordingly with the manufacturer. To discover it, open the command prompt and type "ipconfig" and search for the "default gateway" field. The IP shown there is the URL needed to access the router. Also, look for the IP given to your machine (aka "IPv4 address" field), which will be the server one.
The default login/password also varies, so use the link as reference. Usually, login as "admin" and password as "password" completes the task well.
Now you have logged in the router system, find for anything related to portforwarding. Should the system prompts you between portforwarding and portriggering, pick the first, it is what we will be using.
Now, it is needed to enable the right ports for the Internet. For MapleSolaxia, it is basically needed to open ports 7575 to 7575 + (number of channels) and port 8484. Create a new custom service which enables that range of ports for the server's channel and opt to use TCP/UDP protocols. Finally, create a custom service now for using port 8484.
Optionally, if you want to host a webpage, portforward the port 80 (the HTTP port) as well.
It is not done yet, sometimes the firewalls will block connections between the LAN and the Internet. To overcome this, it is needed to create some rules for the firewall to permit these connections. Search for the advanced options with firewalls on your computer and, with it open, create two rules (one outbound and one inbound).
These rules must target "one application", "enable connections" and must target your MapleStory client (aka localhost).
After all these steps, the portforwarding process should now be complete.