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Rafael Zanella edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 6 revisions

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Connecting to multiple VHosts (or clusters)

When instantiating the RabbitControl actor, it is possible to provide a specific connection com.typesafe.config.Config block (thus customizing the location from which the actor pulls its configuration).

If you needed to connect to multiple vhosts in an application, you could achieve it via the following:

In your application's application.conf:

op-rabbit {
  topic-exchange-name = "op-rabbit-testeroni"
  vhost1 {
    hosts = [""]
    username = "guest"
    password = "guest"
    connection-timeout = 1s
    virtual-host = "vhost1"
    port = 5672

  vhost2 {
    hosts = [""]
    username = "guest"
    password = "guest"
    connection-timeout = 1s
    virtual-host = "vhost2"
    port = 5672

Then, instantiate the RabbitControl actors as follows:

val config = com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.load()
val rabbitVHost1 = actorSystem.actorOf(

val rabbitVHost2 = actorSystem.actorOf(

When you wish to have a consumer subscribe on vhost1, provide it the rabbitVHost1 control actor; for vhost2 provide rabbitVhost2 similarly.

Connecting without using a config file

RabbitControl can accept a ConnectionParams object, directly:

import com.rabbitmq.client.{Address, ConnectionFactory}

val connectionParams = ConnectionParams(
  hosts = List(new Address("", ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_AMQP_PORT)),
  username = "admin",
  password = "very-secret"

actorSystem.actorOf(Props { new RabbitControl(connectionParams) })
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