Implementation of the Ray Tracing in One Weekend exercise. This codebase includes some naming and convention differences compared to the textbook implementation. The overall structure remains almost untouched therefore readers of the book should be able to navigate it with ease.
The project uses CMake, set to C++17, as its build system. The structure is CLion based, however its usage is not mandatory.
The following instructions assume CMake is already installed. The commands are meant for a Unix based OS, nevertheless they should run on Windows with the appropiate tweaks.
Running the following command will create a $PATH_TO_PROJECT/cmake-build-release
$PATH_TO_CMAKE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" $PATH_TO_PROJECT
To then build build the release flavor:
$PATH_TO_CMAKE --build $PATH_TO_PROJECT/cmake-build-release --target RayTracingOneWeekend
This will create a cmake-build-release/RayTracingOneWeekend
executable. Finally, render the ray traced scene to an example ~/Desktop/image.ppm
$PATH_TO_PROJECT/cmake-build-release/RayTracingOneWeekend > ~/Desktop/image.ppm
Users of CLion can simply compile using its tools. Do note that prior to compiling users should create a Release profile as the IDE only provides a default Debug one. Alternatively, the embedded version of CMake can be referenced by pointing the command to $PATH_TO_CLION/bin/cmake/$OS/bin/cmake
The codebase as-is will yield the following scene:
Different results can be achieved by tweaking the configuration values in main.cpp