A bash based script to ping a list of devices and alert of the presence changes
The following packages should be installed already, but if they aren't, then run the following:
sudo apt-get install vim
Tmux will also be used to run the script in a session that won't be closed when disconnecting.
sudo apt-get install tmux
You will need to set the following global variable
To set this, run the following command:
sudo vim /etc/environment
and add the following
It is suggested that you set static ip's for the devices you want to monitor. There are methods to pull these dynamically, but they are not reliable.
To set a static IP, it is suggested you google it for your router brand and model.
The following configuration files are required:
The contents for device_list.lst should contain the following. Multiple configurations are supported:
The contents for telegram_bot_properties.props should contain the following.
If multiple entries are made, the alert will be sent to each config.
Your api key for your bot can be retrieved from bot_father on telegram.
To find your chat_id, do the following (Note: The following should be done without a responsive bot framework hosting your bot).
- Create a group with your bot, or a private chat if you are not intending on using the bot in a group.
- Send a inline message to the bot (A message starting with "/")
- Run the following command:
curl -i -X GET https://api.telegram.org/bot{BOT_API_KEY}/getUpdates
You will get a response similar to the following. The chat_id is included in the "chat" section:
"ok": true,
"result": {
"message_id": xxx,
"from": {
"id": xxx,
"is_bot": true,
"first_name": "xxx",
"username": "xxx"
"chat": {
"id": 12345, //This line contains the CHAT_ID
"title": "xxx",
"type": "xx",
"all_members_are_administrators": true
"date": xx,
"text": "xx"
- Use this value in the config file to send messages to this particular group/private chat.
You can start a new tmux session as follows:
tmux new -s1
Then run your script:
You can then detach from your session by pressing the following:
"CTRL+b" and then "d"
To re-attach to you sessionso that you can see your script run etc, run the following
tmux attach-session -t1
Remember to detach from your session, and then you can safely close your session.