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Welcome to Github_Open_World for Hacktoberfest 2024! 🎉

This platform is created to assist open-source developers in listing their repositories for Hacktoberfest contributions. 🌱 If you're a beginner or seasoned developer, this is a perfect place to participate and collaborate in the open-source community more stuff will be added.


What is Github_Open_World? 🤔

Github_Open_World is designed for new developers and those looking to contribute during Hacktoberfest. You can submit your repository, list your open issues, and invite contributors to solve them, making open-source collaboration easier for everyone. 🌍

Screenshot 2024-10-11 121236

How to Get Started 🚀

  1. Register for Hacktoberfest:

  2. List Your Repository:

    • Fork the Github_Open_World repository.
    • Add your repository details in the data.json file following the structure provided.
    • Create a pull request, and your repo will be listed on our platform for Hacktoberfest contributions.

Eligibility Criteria 🚫

  • ⚠️ Spammy or low-effort pull requests will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that your repository has:
    • Clear contribution guidelines.
    • Well-defined and self-contained issues with the "hacktoberfest" label.
    • A welcoming environment for contributors.

Tasks for Hacktoberfest 2024 🌈

  1. Beginner Level 📁:

    • Task 1: Add your repository for Hacktoberfest contributions.
      • Fork this repository.
      • Add your repository details in the data.json file.
      • Create a pull request, and make sure to follow our contributing guidelines.
  2. Intermediate Level 📁:

    • Task 2: Submit an open-source project idea or improvement for Hacktoberfest.
      • Fork the repo and add your project idea in the data.json file.
      • Open a pull request and wait for approval.

Contributing Guidelines 🤝

Check out the Contributing Guidelines for detailed instructions on how to contribute.

Need Help? 🤔

Feel free to open a discussion or issue here if you have any questions.

Helpful Resources 🛠️

Awesome Contributors 🌟

Holopin Badge

🎉 🎊 Happy Contributing! 🎊 🎉

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