Use Java 8 to work with this.
Style guide taken from lecture 9 in 230.
Use tabs, specifically tab characters.
Rules marked with (Soft Rule) are soft rules and can be sometimes broken.
Classes (and Interfaces) must be written in camel case style and start with an upper-case letter. e.g., SalesOrder.
Constants must be written in block capital letters with underscores between words e.g., VAT_RATE.
All other identifiers, including (but not limited to) fields, local variables, methods and parameters must be written in camel case style and start with a lower-case letter. e.g., totalCost.
(Soft Rule)
No line of code shall exceed 80 characters in length. -
(Soft Rule)
No method should exceed 75 lines. The method should be visible on a single screen/page. -
(Soft Rule)
Methods shall use no more than 5 levels of indentation. -
(Soft Rule)
Methods should not require more than 5 parameters. -
Never use
Never usebreak
other than in aswitch
Do not use numbers in your code, but rather constants.
Exceptions: 0 or 1 (sometimes 2)
All classes require a class level Javadoc comment that describes the overall purpose of the class. The @author
tag must be used to specify the author.
All methods must have a Javadoc comment. The parameters must be correctly described using @param
tags. You must also document the return values using the @return
Always declare variables with the minimum scope to get the job done. i.e. if a variable is used in only one method, maybe it should be declared there?
(Soft Rule)
Declare variables as close as possible to where they are used.
- No blank space between a method name and the parenthesis “(“ starting its parameter list.
- Open brace “{“ appears at the end of the same line as the declaration statement with a space before it.
- A single blank space before the opening brace.
- Closing brace “}” starts a line by itself indented to match its corresponding opening statement.
- Methods are separated by a single blank line.
public class Sample extends AnotherClass {
private int ivar1;
private int ivar2;
Sample(int i, int j) {
ivar1 = i;
ivar2 = j;
public int aMethod() {
return 42;
- Blank space after keywords, e.g.,
andelse if
. - No space after opening parenthesis and no space before closing.
if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {
- For loops: Space after the semi-colons.
- Space after keywords, e.g., while and do.
for (initialisation; condition; update) {
while (condition) {
do {
} while (condition);
All if
, while
and for
statements must always use braces even if they control just one statement. Basically don't do this:
if (condition)
All array access should be immediately followed by a left square bracket.
x = myArray[0];
All casts should be written with a single space.
x = (int) foo(42);
Only one declaration per line is allowed.
int height, weight;
int height // in cm;
int weight // in grams;
All class variables (instance variables and static variables) must be private.
Exception: Constants. Constants can be publicly available.
All class attributes are accessed using get/set methods when accessed externally.
Java source files must have the following ordering:
- Import statements
- Javadoc for the class
- Class declaration
An example:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
* A menu that is displayed on a console
* @author Liam O'Reilly
* @version 1.0
public class Menu {
Each class must be stored in its own file.
Exception: inner classes (e.g., used for GUI event handlers) may be declared within the class that is using it.
Order of a class must be:
- Javadoc for the class
- Class declaration
- Class constants (static & final) variables
- Class (static) variables
- Instance variables
- Constructors
- Methods
* A menu that is displayed on a console
* @author Liam O'Reilly
* @version 1.0
public class Menu {
public static final int someFinalConstant = 123;
public static int someStatic = 234;
private int instanceVariable = 435;
public Menu(...) {
public int getANumber() {
Within each of the above the items must appear in the order:
- First the public, then protected, then package level (no access modifier), and then private.
The modifiers in a single constructor/method declaration must appear in the following order:
- public / protected / private
- abstract
- static
- final
public static void main(String args[]) {