Project Git Hub repository for STA660
- Explanation of variables
Total Time (s): Total time in seconds for one 3-mile ride
Total Time (h): Total time in hours for one 3-mile ride
Average Speed: Average speed of the participant during a trial
Average HR: Average heart rate of participant during trial
Average V02: Average rate of oxygen consumption
METS = Refers to the metabolic equivalent, where 1 MET is the metabolism required for sitting and represents 3.5 ml/kg/min
% of VO2 Max: VO2/VO2 max = oxygen consumption or metabolic response as a fraction of maximum oxygen consumption or maximum metabolic rate breath frequency
RQ: Respiratory Quotient: RQ = CO2 eliminated / O2 consumed
RPE = In sports and exercise, the rating of perceived effort that is used to measure the intensity of exercise. On the rate of perceived effort scale, a designation of 6 represents no exertion at all, and a score of 20 represents maximal exertion.
VT: Tidal Volume
VE: Expiratory volume (is this right?)
IV: Inspiratory volume
V02: Rate of oxygen consumption per unit time
VCO2: Rate of CO2 output per unit time
O2 Exp: Oxygen expired
CO2 exp: CO2 expired VE/VO2: Ventilator equivalent for oxygen
VE/VCO2: Ventilator equivalent for carbon dioxide
VO2/Kg: Rate of oxygen consumption per kilogram
FeO2: Fraction of expired air that is oxygen
FeCO2: Fraction of expired air that is carbon dioxide
FetO2: End tidal O2 Fraction
FetCO2: End tidal CO2 Fraction
FiO2: Fraction of inspired oxygen
FiCO2: Fraction of inspired carbon dioxide
PeO2: Relationship between inspired and expired oxygen
PeCO2: Relationship between inspired and expired carbon dioxide
PETO2: End tidal tensions of Oxygen
PETCO2: End tidal Tensions of carbon dioxide
HR (beats/min) = In one minute, the amount of beats that the heart creates.
EE (kc) = Energy expenditure refers to the amount of energy a person uses to partake in regular daily activities. This includes carrying out physical functions including breathing, circulating blood, or physical movement.